The Nova System
The Nova System is an OSDD-1b that is currently going through the diagnostic process. They typically go by Celipuff or Celi online. On discord, a common social network they all use, The Nova System will typically share who is "fronting" in their status. Please refer to them as their status name as much as possible to avoid confusion(it is 100% okay if you do not however).
This Page's only purpose is to explain how the Nova System, "Celipuff", handles their OSDD and other social/personality disorders they have, online.It is not a place where they will be discussing things such as system origins, traumas, or commodifying their disorder. DID/OSDD is a real, recognized Complex PTSD disorder that affects day to day life, lifelong. It is not a toy, or a fun label. It is not a gender identity or something you can "try out".
For further details about OSDD-1b, we suggest researching both genuine firsthand accounts from systems, as well as trusted sources of scientific information on the matter of this very covert disorder.